Monday, November 8, 2010

A Field Guide to the Butterflies of Singapore by KhewSK

A Field Guide to the Butterflies of Singapore by KhewSK

BMP = Butterflies of The Malay Peninsula
KSK = the author

The Great Orange Tip
BMP (pg 93)
1. The upper surface is white, and the apex of the forewing has a large orange triangular patch outlined with black
2. ...female is darker, and has a series of large, black, post-discal spots on the hindwing.
3. on the underside... are buff with small darker strations

KSK (pg 25)
1. The upperside is white and the apex of the forewing has a large orange trangular patch outlined with black markings.
2. Females have additional post-discal spots on the hindwings.
3. The underside is buff with small darker striations

Mottled Emigrant
BMP (pg 96)
1. The wings are greenish white above,
2. and the forewing has a black apical border, and a black cell-end spot
3. The underside is of a darker, greenish-ochreous hue,
4. and there are numerous reddish brown transverse striae

KSK (pg 27)
1. The wings of the Mottled Emigrant are greenish-white above
2. and the forewing has a black apical border and a prominent cell-end spot
3. The underside is of a darker greenish hue
4. and there are numerous reddish-brown transverse stripes

Plain Tiger
BMP (pg 104)
1. D. chrysippus has the forewing fulvous orange, with a broad black apical border bearing a series of conjoined white


KSK (pg 41)
1. The butterfly has rich fulvous orange forewings with a broad black apical border bearing a series of white spots.

The Spotted Black Crow
BMP (pg 113)
1. ...and almost unmarked except for the marginal and submarginal series of white spots.
2. The male is without a brand on the forewing above and the female is paler

KSK (pg 49)
1. ...wings are almost unmarked except for the marginal and sub-marginal white spots
2. The male Spotted Black Crow does not have a brand on the forewing and the female is much paler
[Note] Description on three large and two small apical spots is wrong, should be 2 large and 3 small apical spots

The Drawf Crow
BMP (pg 115)
1. The wings are ferruginous brown
2. and the apical portion of the forewing is shot with deep blue
3. and bears a few pale blue or whitish discal and submarginal spots.
4. The hindwing is unmarked in the male, but the female has submarginal series of small, diffuse, whitish spots

KSK (pg 55)
1. The wings are reddish-brown
2. and the apical portion of the forewing is deep blue
3. with a few blue or whitish discal and sub-marginal spots.
4. The hindwing is unmarked in the male but the female has sub-marginal series of small, diffused whitish spots

Potanthus serina
BMP (pg 382)
1. ... the forewing post-discal band is not completely dislocated at vein 6
2. on the hindwing beneath the ochreous scaling is orange-tinged.

KSK (pg 311)
1. ... the forewing post-discal band is not completely dislocated at vein 6
3. on the hindwing beneath, the ochreous scaling is orange-tinged.

Telicota colon
BMP (pg 384):
1. T. colon stinga is the most easily recognised species
2. ...yellow colour of the post-discal band on the forewing is continued along the veins towards the termen.

KSK (pg 314):
1. This is the most recognisable species amongst the three extant species in Singapore
2. ...yellow colour of the post-discal band on the forewing is continued along the veins towards the termen.

Telicota besta
BMP (pg 383):
1. ...yellow post-discal band not continued by prominent yellow streaks along the veins.

KSK (pg 315):
1. ...yellow post-discal band which does not continue as prominent yellow streaks along the veins.

Telicota augias
BMP (pg 383):
1. The wings are black above, and the orange-yellow post-discal band on the forewing ...
2. The cell is almost entirely orange-yellow
3. The veins crossing the orange-yellow areas are blackened
4. Underside hindwing orange-ochreous, with the veins crossing the post-discal band not dark-dusted in male, and only lightly dark dusted in female.

KSK (pg 316):
1. The wings are black above with an orange-yellow post-discal band on the forewing.
2. The cell is almost entirely orange-yellow
3. The veins crossing the orange-yellow area are blackened
4. The underside is orange-ochreous with the veins crossing the post-discal band not dark-dusted in the male, and lightly dusted in the female.

Pelopidas mathias
BMP (pg 387):
1. the upperside is brown, with golden sheen
2. and the wing bases are greenish
3. the forewing has the usual hyaline post-discal spots... and two cell-spots
4. Very rarely, the female has post discal spots on the hindwing
5. the hindwing has small post-discal spots in space 2 to 5 in addition to a small cell-spot

KSK (pg 317)
1. the upperside of the Small Branded Swift is golden brown
2. with wing bases and upper surface of the thorax greenish
3. the forewing has hyaline spots and usually two cell spots
4. the female may rarely have spots on the hindwing
5. the hindwing feature small post-discal spots in addition to a cell spot

Borbo cinnara
BMP (pg 386):
1. The wings are brown above, with golden hue
2. and with greenish hair in the basal area
3. on forewing there is yellow non-hyaline spot in space 1b
4. ... and two spots in the cell
5. a few hyaline spots may be faintly visible on the hindwing
6. the underside has greenish scaling
7. and there are spots in space 2, 3 and 6 on the hindwing

KSK (pg 318)
1. The upperside is brown, sporting a golden hue
2. with basal areas light green
3. on the forewing, there is a characteristic opaque yellow spot in space 1b
4. ... and usually two spots in the cell
5. a few hyaline spots may also be visible on the hindwing
6. the underside is light brown with greenish scaling
7. and there are usually spots in space 2, 3 and 6 on the hindwing

Pelopidas assamensis
BMP (pg 388):
1. upperside is dark purple-brown
2. with white hyaline spots
3. including one or two on the hindwing

KSK (pg 319):
1. ... has a dark purple-brown upper side
2. with white hyaline spots on the forewing
3. and one or two on the hindwing

Pelopidas conjunctus
BMP (pg 388):
P. conjunctus is a larger, browner butterfly, with larger pale hyaline spots, and a spot in space 1b on the forewing ...

KSK (pg 320): The Conjoined Swift is a large brown butterfly with pale yellow hyaline spots and distinctive spot in space 1b of the forewing.

Polytremis lubricans
BMP (pg 388):
1. The butterfly is dark golden brown above, with the wings bases overlaid with paler hair-scales.
2. In addition to the cell spots, there are pale yellow hyaline spots on forewing ...

KSK (pg 321)
1. The Contiguous Swift is dark brown above, with golden hue. The wing bases are overlaid with paler hair scales.
2. In addition to the cell spots ... there are pale yellow hyaline spots on the forewing

Caltoris cormasa
BMP (pg 391):
1. The upper cell spot is often obsolete.
BMP - key:
1. Underside hindwing ferrugious, usually tinged purple.

KSK (pg 324):
1. The upper cell spot is often obsolete.
2. The underside of the hindwing is ferruginous, usually purple-tinged.

Caltoris philippina
BMP - key (pg 390):
Male upperside forewing with a pale yellow spot in the lower half of space 1b.

KSK (pg 325):
1. The male has a pale yellow spot in the lower half of space 1b on the upperside of the upperside of forewing

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